
HOPE Pathways Community HUB

HOPE Pathways Community HUB (Health, Outreach, Prevention, Equity) is the most recent initiative launched by FCHIP in February 2022 with large support from the Fresno County Department of Public Health.

By collaborating with seven community-based organizations, HOPE seeks to implement a transformative model to address our communities’ healthcare inequities by empowering our local Community Health Workers.


This FCHIP workgroup mobilizes partner organizations committed to significantly increasing healthy food access and consumption. Together the partners are integrating food security solutions through the following:

  • Food recovery, production, and distribution systems
  • Food system participant organizational capacity building
  • Neighborhood connections
  • Communication and marketing
  • Coordinated local food data and policy analysis

A current focus for the partners is spearheading the Fresno Food Policy Council, a diverse group of stakeholders from all areas of the local food system to work towards food justice and equity through policy and organizing.


Chris DeLeon
Community Gardens Manager
Fresno Metro Ministry


 A common desire to make our communities trauma-informed for the purpose of building resilience in our youth, families, neighborhoods and county brings together this collection of institutions, school districts, community-based organizations and businesses.

The current priority for this workgroup is to develop a trauma-informed Network of Care in Fresno County.

A Trauma-Informed Network of Care is a group of interdisciplinary health, education, and human service professionals and community members and organizations that support adults, children, and families by providing access to evidence- based “buffering” resources and supports that help to prevent, treat, and heal the harmful consequences of toxic stress.

For more information, go to this link: California’s ACEs Aware Initiative Awards $30.8 Million in Grant Funds to Strengthen Trauma-Informed Networks of Care.


Artie Padilla
Sr. Program Officer
Central Valley Community Foundation


The Fresno Diabetes Collaborative increases awareness and access to local resources for the prevention and treatment of prediabetes and diabetes. The workgroup engages residents, neighborhood-based organizations, healthcare providers, public health, clinics, health educators and health plans. Check out the website to view more information:



Brandi Muro, MPH

Senior Director of Programs

California Health Collaborative

Youth Leadership Council

The Youth Leadership Council (YLC) is a youth-led, youth-driven cohort of up to 14 high school juniors and seniors from underserved communities who are emerging health warriors and leaders that have a passion for guiding our community to pursue health equity. As part of the YLC, Fresno community youth have an opportunity to do the following:

  • Elevate their voices
  • Build connections and network
  • Develop leadership, teamwork, and collaboration skills
  • Cultivate knowledge and an understanding of health disparities and solutions through systems change

The Youth Leadership Council (YLC) is a youth-led, youth-driven cohort of up to 14 high school juniors and seniors from underserved communities who are emerging health warriors and leaders that have a passion for guiding our community to pursue health equity. As part of the YLC, Fresno community youth have an opportunity to do the following:

  • Elevate their voices
  • Build connections and network
  • Develop leadership, teamwork, and collaboration skills
  • Cultivate knowledge and an understanding of health disparities and solutions through systems change

Christian Santos
Student, Fresno State University


Susan Kincaid


Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership