We Believe

That Fresno can be a place where all people, neighborhoods and communities thrive.
Good health is essential for:
- Our children to reach their full potential
- Good educational outcomes
- A productive workforce
- The future prosperity of our region

“Fresno County named one of California’s top ten healthiest places to live”
(Fresno Bee headline in 2018)
Our Mission
To improve the health of our community by working together with shared purpose and commitment.
Our Vision
To create a culture of health in our community where every person has the opportunity and support they need to achieve a life of well-being.
The Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership (FCHIP) was established in 2014 by a small group of community health leaders to achieve meaningful, lasting improvements in health outcomes through the alignment and measurement of health-related initiatives.
FCHIP is built on the following pillars, and provides a platform using the collective impact model to:
- ALIGN the great work that is already happening and fill gaps
- LEVERAGE RESOURCES and expertise from multiple and diverse sectors
- COLLABORATE around prevention-oriented mutual understandings and actions
Our key initiatives address a diversity of interrelated health conditions and challenges that Fresno County residents face, and we focus on upstream community health and well being strategies to build a culture of health.
Today, FCHIP is the leading multi-sector network addressing health outcomes and inequities in Fresno County.
Over 400 individuals from CBOs, healthcare, education, business, and government represent over 150 entities that partner with and sponsor FCHIP.
In addition, FCHIP receives funding from the California Accountable Communities for Health (CACHI) to work collectively across sectors for a healthier community. Click here to learn more about CACHI.
A 360-Degree View
We are a community driven partnership working across sectors.
Together we develop local assets for local benefit. We are organizing in new ways to address complex community health issues and to achieve results by taking a broader view than traditionally has been taken. We are taking an in-depth look at all of the things that contribute to health and well-being.
- Reducing poverty
- Increasing educational attainment
- Improving the conditions in our neighborhoods
- Expanding food security
- Providing affordable housing
- Increasing higher wage jobs
- Lowering rates of chronic disease
All of these play a role in building a thriving community. By integrating cross-sector partners, supporting them to leverage and align resources, and creating models for good health we can be a catalyst for change.
The FCHIP network includes partners such as the following:
- Fresno County Department of Public Health
- Saint Agnes Medical Center
- Community Medical Centers
- Valley Children’s Healthcare
- Fresno State Central California Center for Health & Human Services
- CBOs like Every Neighborhood Partnership, Fresno Metro Ministries, Fresno Asthma Collaborative, the Youth Leadership Institute and so many more
- CalViva and Anthem Blue Cross
- Fresno Unified and Washington Union School Districts
- Fresno Housing Authority
FCHIP collaborates and aligns with other collective impact groups such as Cradle to Career (C2C) and others to eliminate disparities and to ensure that everyone has the opportunity and support to achieve optimal health and well-being.
FCHIP is dedicated to the following values:
The goal of FCHIP is to first align our community’s health initiatives.
A collaborative community infrastructure is essential to focus all stakeholders on the shared vision of a healthy Fresno County.
Our goal is to empathize with as many voices as we can…we are driven by diversity, community engagement, and positive communication.
Data Driven
We will use data to drive our decisions, not just instincts, intuition or ‘the way we’ve always done it.’
Systems that are easy to access and navigate
Systems we create, or those we work to strengthen, must be easy to access and even easier to navigate.

Health Equity
We are committed to health equity across all neighborhoods and zip codes.
Outcome Focused
We will focus on outcomes more than process.
Sustainable PSE Change
We will contribute to changes in policy, environment and systems for sustainable change.
Work that is “Right”
We will do the work that is ‘right’…not the work that is driven by grants or funding sources.
FCHIP Leadership Team

Tony Gonzalez, M.S.
Interim Executive Director

Ivonne Der Torosian
Saint Agnes Medical Center

Artie Padilla
Every Neighborhood Partnership

Joe Prado
Fresno County Department of Public Health

Lynell Taylor
Center for Employment Opportunities

Emogene Nelson
Fresno Metro Ministry

Brandi Muro
California Health Collaborative

Sue Kincaid
Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership & FCHIP Program Director
Collective Efforts, Real Outcomes
We know that no one can do this alone. That’s why by working together, we can make a difference right here in our own community.
We thank our funders for supporting our efforts to create a better quality of life for all of our residents and investing in the future of Fresno!
Funded By
2023- 2024 Founding Members

In Kind Founding Members

2023 State of Our Health Event Sponsor